Berachah Payton

Berachah Payton

Loan Processing Manager


There’s not a job too big or tough for me!!! My career path has included so much from real estate title company managing – title abstracting -bookkeeping – financial assistance processing – being an executive assistant administrator – mortgage loan processing, and so much more. All jobs in my lifetime having included interaction with people, causing me to have a long history of customer service experience and empathy towards other humans.
I make it my prerogative to excel and become the best at any and everything I put my mind and hands too. I’m intelligent and learn quickly, and very digitally inclined! I continue to grow daily, as this industry leaves no room for laziness or ignorance. I increase my skills so that I may continue to better help the clients that come to Encore Mortgage with high expectations.
The one thing you’ll need to know about me is I’m far from being a pushover, so any antics to make me feel inferior to any another human make me laugh. I believe you should treat someone how you are being treated. I’m very much an adult in the workplace, and expect to work alongside other adults who believe in the power of true team work and professionalism! It was an easy decision to park my 13 years of experience in real estate with Encore Mortgage, owned and operated by a very knowledgeable human. This is one of the most dedicated to their job team of people I’ve worked for in all my years of working. Their vibe matches my vibe of success and quality work while being understanding humans.

My two pennies: You must be patient with one another, as human error is inevitable and perfection is impossible.

“If you only do what you can do, you’ll never be more than what you are.”

“Nobody ever said being honest would be painless.”

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Encore Mortgage LLC
108 Daventry Ln
Suite 103
Louisville, KY 40223

Contact Us

Office: (502) 438-9884
Mobile: (502) 386-8869
Toll Free: (800) 918-9368
Fax:(502) 305-6686

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Equal Housing Lender
BBB rating

*Encore Mortgage, LLC, NMLS# 1919667 is not affiliated with or acting on behalf of or at the direction of the FHA, VA, USDA, Fannie Mae, Freddie or the Federal Government.
Encore Mortgage, LLC is licensed in Kentucky, Indiana and Florida.